Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello. I realize it has been a while since I posted anything, I am sorry about that. It is very hard to believe that Ethan is now 9 months old!! As I keep saying, he is as many out as he was in! :) He continues to be such a good baby and such a delight. Here are some recent Ethan highlights:
  • He is a very good army crawler! He has not started to "real" crawl yet but he is super fast with the army crawl and is all over the place.
  • He loves to stand holding onto something or us.
  • He is now able to move from laying down to sitting up all on his own. I often find him sitting in his crib smiling in the morning.
  • He is a babbler. Once he can actually talk it is going to be non-stop! We can't discern any actual words yet but he is making more vowel/consonant sounds.
  • He still doesn't have any teeth. However, I noticed this morning that I can finally see and feel a tooth starting to poke through on the bottom. It won't be long! He is still nursing twice a day so I am totally fine with that tooth taking a long time to come through. :)
  • He loves to eat! He still eats some baby food but he is also starting to eat more table food. He will pretty much eat anything we give him. He loves animal crackers and yogurt! He also enjoys a bit of Captain Sundae every once in a while. :)
  • He especially loves being outside. We have gone on lots of walks, a few runs and a few bike rides already. He is a very curious and observant little guy. He has started to point at things. If only we knew what he was saying!
We are officially into the summer and loving it! Curt is done working until August and we are super excited about the first summer that we both are not working. We can continue to live at Calvin over the summer and enjoy not having the students around. :) We are looking forward to lots of time spent outside and doing fun things.