Monday, November 1, 2010

Recent Happenings

Ethan is now 2 months old! He is thriving and doing great! It is such fun to watch him grow and start to see more of his personality. He is such a mover! His arms and legs are almost always moving and he kicks like crazy when laying down. He is currently kicking me as he lays on the couch beside me. He has also learned to smile and that is such fun! He is soo cute and it makes us very happy to see his smiles and his responses to us. :) He is starting to be more alert and will look at people and things more. He is very vocal and makes all kinds of noises and sounds. I think he will be a talker and a mover! :) He recently transitioned to sleeping in his crib in the nursery. It was a scary first night for me! I had to resist the strong urge to go in and make sure he was breathing. He seems to like his crib and overall sleeps well in it. He is also doing better at falling asleep after eating in the middle of the night and staying asleep when I lay him down. He will generally do a 5-6 hour initial stretch at night followed by about 3 hour stretches. That usually means we are only up about twice in the night, which is great progress! The only thing we struggle with is a general fussy period at night. Ethan often gets fussy in the evenings and will cry if not in a specific position or doing specific movements. It can make for some long evenings but otherwise he is a great baby. We had our first overnight away from home this past weekend at our RA retreat. Overall, Ethan did great and the RAs had fun snuggling and playing with him. He had a rough time sleeping in a new place but we survived the night. We had a fun first Halloween and enjoyed showing Ethan off to our family in his giraffe costume. :)

He is such a fun little guy and I am incredibly thankful for the blessings that God has poured upon our family. It is a great blessing to have Curt work soo close to home and have such a flexible schedule. He is able to watch Ethan while I exercise and it is nice to have some time to myself. He is also able to come home periodically during the day to see us, which is always a nice break. We can't believe that it is already November and that the semester will be over before we know it!

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